National Offices and Responsibilities
4th Degree / LOG Elections: Saturday, July 20, 2024
3rd Degree Elections: Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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4th Degree / LOG campaign displays are allowed up from Friday, 7/19/2024 and must be removed by 6pm on Saturday, 7/20/2024.
3rd Degree campaign displays are allowed up from Sunday, 7/21/2024 and must be removed by 6pm on Tuesday, 7/23/2024

National Council Board of Directors
Positions to be elected at this year's National Convention:
The Supreme Knight shall be the chief executive officer of the Order and, as such, shall exercise general supervision over all National Officers, subordinate Councils and Courts.
- He shall enforce all laws. He shall require a faithful performance of the duties of all National Officers and shall exact a strict and business-like manner of keeping accounts, paying out money and conducting the correspondence of the Order. He shall see that all monies belonging to the Order are properly deposited in responsible banks in the name of the Order, and that all withdrawals of the same are done in accordance with law.
- Upon approval of the Board of Directors, he shall have authority, should he become satisfied that any employee, National Officer, or officer of a subordinate Council or Court has been guilty of negligence or of any dishonest act, or has committed an indictable offense, or has mismanaged or misappropriated the funds, whether the same be of the National Council or the National Court, or of a subordinate Council or subordinate Court, or of any division of the Order, to suspend such officer and execute such other acts necessary to protect the interest of the Order, after proper trial.
- He shall be empowered to employ all contracted persons required to perform duties necessary to the successful conduct of the business and operation of the Order, provided that any contract with a term longer than sixty (60) days or that is renewable for a period longer than sixty (60) days or that presents a cumulative contractual liability of greater than $10,000 be subjected to a legal review by the National Advocate and ratification by the National Council Board of Directors.
- He shall sign all charters, approve all membership certificates of all divisions of the Order, and countersign all orders for the payment of money from the National Council, when the same are approved by him.
- He shall make and publish for the information of the members an annual report of the activities of his office and the general condition of the Order. He shall require and shall be furnished within ten (10) days following the close of each fiscal year an annual report from all National Officers and State or District Deputies of the National Council and Court.
- He shall preside at all meetings of the National Council and Board of Directors. He shall appoint all committees of the National Council, when duly authorized, and shall be, ex-officio, a member of all committees.
- He shall, when necessary, and in the interest of the Order, visit and inspect the proceedings of any Council or Court, or may direct any officer or member of the Order to represent him in these matters.
- He shall, at all times, seek the advice and counsel and approval of the Board of Directors in all matters pertaining to the welfare and good of the Order.
- He shall have all powers necessary and incident to the execution of his duties, and for any abuse of these powers he may be disciplined, censured, or impeached by the National Convention.
- He shall receive due compensation for his services.
Return to all National Council Board of Directors Officer Responsibilities
In case of death, resignation, disqualification, absence, refusal or neglect of the Supreme Knight to discharge the duties of his office, the Deputy Supreme Knight will serve the unexpired term of said Supreme Knight.
- He shall receive due compensation for his services.
- In case of temporary disability because of sickness to the Supreme Knight, he shall perform all duties incumbent upon the Supreme Knight until the disability is removed
Return to all National Council Board of Directors Officer Responsibilities
The National Secretary shall keep a true and faithful record of the proceedings of the National Council and Board of Directors.
- He shall notify the Grand Knight of each Council of the change of password and communicate the new password to them quarterly in a sealed envelope, using the code.
- He shall examine and report all credentials of members and delegates claiming membership to the National Council, previously and at the National Council meetings.
- He shall furnish a temporary roll of the members on the day of the opening of the National Convention and shall turn over to the credential committee the credentials of delegates.
- He shall have the minutes of the National Convention and the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors in between conventions published within a sixty (60) day period of the said meeting.
- He shall, at the expiration of his term of office, deliver over to his successor, all records, documents or property belonging to the Order.
- He shall perform such other duties as may be imposed, consistent with the laws of the Order, and determined and required by the Board of Directors, and shall receive due compensation for his services.
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The National Treasurer shall approve for disbursement, upon warrant duly issued, all funds of the Order.
- He shall report all receipts and disbursements annually, or often, if required by the National Council or Board of Directors.
- He shall prepare annually for publication in The Claverite, a detailed and itemized account of all transactions of his office.
- He shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, furnish a surety bond in such amount as shall be determined by the Board of Directors; bond thus furnished must be executed by a corporation duly qualified to issue such bonds and shall be approved by the Board of Directors. The expense of the bond furnished must be paid by the Order, and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. The guarantee herein shall be payable to the credit of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc., National Council.
- He shall pay over or deliver to his successor in office, all monies, stock certificates, investments and surety bonds, interest bearing certificates, books and/or other property in his possession belonging to the Order.
- He shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by the National Council or Board of Directors, and shall receive due compensation for his services.
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The National Advocate shall be a lawyer licensed to practice law in the State of his residence and a member in good standing of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc.
- He shall be the chief legal advisor of the Order and shall serve the National Council or Court, the Board of Directors, the Supreme Knight and/or the Supreme Lady only upon request of these various divisions or the official heads of same.
- He shall receive due compensation for his services.
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The Lay Board Member shall be a representative of the rank and file general membership on the National Board of Directors. His authority shall not usurp or conflict with the duties and authority of the State and Deputies.
- He shall, as Coordinator of the Annual National Convention Workshop Program, conduct periodic surveys of the general membership on organizational policies, procedures, legislation and issues of concern and report his findings to the Board of Directors for review and consideration.
- He shall at the request of our Most Worthy Supreme Knight, represent the office of the Supreme Knight at State and District Conferences, religious events and social events for the good and welfare of our Noble Order.
- He shall at all times, promote and encourage a fair and just image of equal rights, and freedom of speech to the members and Board of Directors.
- He shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Supreme Knight and/or the Board of Directors.
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The Director General Junior Knights shall be a representative of the Office of the Supreme Knight and shall advance the cause of the Junior Knight Division.
- He shall have authority to enforce all Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Junior Knight Division, issue passwords, enforce and require obedience of all Laws, Rules and Regulations of the National Council, Knights of Peter Claver that pertain to the National Junior Council.
- He shall submit reports on the activities of his office to the Board of Directors. He shall receive due compensation for his services.
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National Court Board of Directors
Positions to be elected at this year's National Convention:
The Supreme Lady shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Ladies Auxiliary and shall, as such, exercise a general supervision over all National Officers and Subordinate Courts.
- She shall enforce all laws of the Ladies Auxiliary.
- Upon approval of the Ladies Board of Directors, she shall have authority, should she determine that any National Officer or Officer of a Subordinate Court has been guilty of negligence, or of any dishonest act, or has committed an indictable offense, or has mismanaged or misappropriated the funds, whether the same be of the National Court, or a Subordinate Court, or any Division of the Ladies Auxiliary, to suspend such officer and execute other acts necessary to protect the interest of the Order, after proper trial.
- She shall sign all Charters, select passwords and transmit to the National Secretary for dissemination to Grand Ladies of subordinate Courts. She shall approve all Membership Certificates of all Divisions of the Ladies Auxiliary.
- She shall countersign all orders for the payment of money from the National Court, when the same are approved by her.
- She shall make and publish an Annual Report of activities on the general condition of the KPC, Ladies Auxiliary and of her office to the members. She shall require, and shall be furnished, within ten days, following the close of the fiscal year, an Annual Report from all National Officers, and State or District Deputies of the National Court.
- She shall preside at all meetings of the National Court and Board of Directors. She shall appoint all committees of the National Court, and shall be Ex-Officio, a member of all committees except the Committee on Nominations and Elections.
- She shall, when necessary and in the interest of the Order, visit and inspect the proceedings of any Court, or may direct any officer or member of the Order to represent her in these matters.
- She shall, at all times, seek advice, counsel and approval of the Board of Directors of the National Council in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the Order.
- She shall have all powers necessary and incidental to the execution of her duties, and for any abuse of these powers, she may be disciplined, censured, or impeached by the National Convention.
- The Supreme Lady shall be present at Executive Committee meetings whenever business referring to or action pertaining to the Ladies Division is taken up by the committee.
- She shall receive due compensation for her services.
Return to all National Court Board of Directors Officer Responsibilities
In case of death, resignation, disqualification, absence, refusal or neglect of the Supreme Lady to discharge the duties of her office, the Vice Supreme Lady will serve the unexpired term of said Supreme Lady.
- In case of temporary disability due to sickness of the Supreme Lady, she shall perform all duties incumbent upon the Supreme Lady until the disability is removed.
- In addition, she shall represent the Supreme Lady whenever designated or called upon by the Supreme Lady to do so.
- She shall receive due compensation for her services.
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The National Secretary shall keep a true and faithful record of the proceedings of the National Court and Board of Directors to be circulated within sixty (60) days of the proceedings.
- She shall notify the Grand Lady of each Court the change of password for the period January thru June; July thru December, and communicate the password to them in a sealed envelope, using the code.
- She shall keep in charge the Seal and affix the same to all documents emanating from the National Court and Board of Directors.
- She shall, prior to the National Convention, receive, examine and report all credentials of members and delegates claiming membership in the National Court, and shall turn over the credentials of Delegates to the Credentials Committee.
- She shall report annually, at the National meetings of the National Court, all her acts and duties performed since the previous national meeting of the National Court.
- She shall sign all Charters and Membership Certificates issued by the National Court.
- She shall conduct all of the business correspondence in a prompt and systematic manner, keeping files of all documents or property belonging to the Order.
- She shall, at the expiration of her term of office, deliver over to her successor all records, documents, or property belonging to the Order.
- She shall perform such duties as may be imposed consistent with the laws of the Order, and determined and required by the Board of Directors, and shall receive due compensation for her work.
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The National Treasurer shall report all receipts and disbursements annually as is required by the National Court or Board of Directors.
- She shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by the National Court or Board of Directors
- She shall receive due compensation for her services.
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The Lay Board Member shall be a Member-at-Large.
- She shall perform such duties as may be required of her by the Supreme Lady and the Board of Directors.
- As Coordinator of the Annual National Convention Workshop Program, she shall conduct periodic surveys of the general membership on organizational policies, procedures, legislation and issues of concern.
- She shall report her findings to the Board of Directors for review and consideration.
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The National Counselor of Junior Daughters shall have supervision over and shall promote the growth and development of the Junior Division
- She shall make an Annual Report to the National Court of the Ladies Auxiliary
- She shall have authority to enforce all laws, rules and regulations of the Junior Court, issue passwords, enforce and require obedience of all laws, rules and regulations of the National Court, Ladies Auxiliary that pertain to the Junior Court.
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4th Degree LOG Supreme General Chapter
Positions to be elected at this year's National Conclave:
The Supreme Navigator shall be the chief administrative officer of the Supreme General Assembly, and as such, shall exercise general supervision over all of the Supreme Officers, Grand Assemblies, and officers and members thereof.
- He shall appoint all committees of the Supreme General Assembly.
- He shall sign all Charters for the Grand Assemblies, certificates of merit, and shall attest by his signature, together with the signature of the Supreme Comptroller, the approval of all applications for membership in the Fourth Degree Division, before any candidates may have the Fourth Degree conferred upon them.
- He shall preside over all meetings of the Supreme General Assembly and the Supreme General Board.
- He must hear appeals of members of Grand Assemblies, and after due process of law, render decisions.
- He shall grant permission to establish Grand Assemblies after all requirements have been met.
- He shall make an annual report (in the Claverite) to the Supreme General Assembly, and shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed by law.
- He shall be compensated for his services.
Return to all Supreme General Assembly Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Captain, in the absence of the Supreme Navigator, shall serve as the presiding officer of the Supreme General Assembly, and as such shall perform all duties incumbent upon the office of Supreme Navigator.
- He shall, in the event of illness, death, resignation, inability, neglect, suspension, or expulsion of the Supreme Navigator, fill the office until the successor of the office of Supreme Navigator has been elected.
- He shall be in complete charge of the Uniform Ranks of the Order of the Fourth Degree Knights of Peter Claver.
- He will be responsible for inspecting the churches and/or areas of performance, making the decisions on seating arrangements in accordance with Protocol, being always aware of the availability of space.
- Whenever possible he will conduct workshops for all Faithful Captains at the Conclave.
Return to all Supreme General Assembly Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Comptroller shall keep a correct record of the Supreme General Assembly, issue calls for meetings, receive all applications, receive all death claims, notify officers of election or appointment of committees, conduct all correspondence of the Supreme General Assembly, and collect all dues from the Faithful Comptrollers which are due the Supreme General Assembly.
- He shall purchase all duly authorized supplies for the Supreme General Assembly’s use and for resale to members of the Fourth Degree and shall have custody of the same.
- He shall be the custodian of the seal of the Supreme General Assembly and shall affix an impression of the same to all official documents, which emanate from their office.
- He shall, when giving notice to Grand Assemblies of the death of a Sir Knight, or Sir Knights, indicate the name of the member or members, the amount of the charitable donation, the name, number, and location of the Assembly of which the deceased was a member.
- In the event of death of a Sir Knight, he shall only issue warrants for donations from the Charity Fund upon receipt of an assessment book and death certificate from the responsible officer of a Grand Assembly of which the deceased was a member, or in lieu thereof, a statement from the Grand Assembly of which the deceased was a member attesting to said member’s demise, and attest to by the signature of the Navigator and the Comptroller and an impression of the seal of the Grand Assembly.
- He shall be bonded, in an amount sufficient to cover the exposure involved, and within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of all money, he shall forward the same to the National Office for deposit.
- The General Books of the Supreme Comptroller shall be audited before they are turned over to a newly elected, Supreme Comptroller.
- The Supreme Comptroller shall bill the Faithful Assemblies quarterly for death assessments due the Supreme General Assembly.
- He shall make an annual report to the Supreme General Assembly
- He shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed by law. He shall
- receive as compensation for his services three percent (3%) of all monies
- collected.
Return to all Supreme General Assembly Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Purser shall disburse upon warrant duly issued, all funds of the Supreme General Assembly.
- He shall report all receipts and disbursements annually, or as often, if required by the Supreme General Assembly. He shall prepare annually for publication, a detailed and itemized account of all transactions of his office.
- He shall furnish a surety bond in such amount as shall be determined by the Supreme General Assembly.
- He shall deliver to his successor in office, all monies, investments, books and/or other property in his possession belonging to the Fourth Degree Division.
- He shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by the Supreme General Assembly or Board of Directors and shall receive due compensation
- for his services.
Return to all Supreme General Assembly Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Scribe shall keep a true and supreme record of all the proceedings of the Supreme General Assembly Conclave, of whatever nature, in the official books of the Supreme General Assembly.
- He shall conduct all of the correspondence of the Supreme General Assembly, except on matters pertaining to finance.
- Supreme Scribe shall notify the Faithful Navigator of each Grand Assembly of the change of a password to them quarterly in a sealed envelope, using the code.
- He shall furnish a temporary roll of the members on the day of the opening of the Supreme General Assembly Conclave, and shall turn over the same to the Credentials Committee to prepare the Official Roll.
Return to all Supreme General Assembly Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Steward shall have custody of all property of the General Assembly, except articles of regalia, supplies, financial books and records of officers, and shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed upon them by law.
Return to all Supreme General Assembly Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Pilot shall maintain decorum and shall supervise the Supreme Inner Sentinel and the Supreme Outer Sentinel
- He shall ascertain and report to the Supreme Navigator that all present are entitled to participate in the Conclave.
- He shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed upon him by law.
Return to all Supreme General Assembly Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Inner and Outer Sentinels shall attend and guard the inner and outer entrance of the meeting chamber, respectively, and shall examine the passbook of members who desire to enter the meeting chamber and shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed by law.
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4th Degree LOG Supreme General Chapter
Positions to be elected at this year's National Conclave:
The Supreme Navigator shall be the chief administrative officer of the Supreme General Chapter, and as such, shall exercise general supervision over all of the Supreme Officers, Grand Chapters, officers, and members t hereof.
- She shall appoint all committees of the Supreme General Chapter.
- She shall sign all Charters for the Grand Chapters, certificates of merit, and shall attest by her signature, together with the signature of the Supreme Comptroller, the approval of all applications for membership in the Fourth Degree Division before any candidates may have the "Fourth Degree" conferred upon them.
- She shall preside over all meetings of the Supreme General Chapter and the Supreme General Board.
- She must hear appeals of members of Grand Chapters, and after due process of law, render decisions.
- She shall grant permission to establish Grand Chapters after all requirements have been met.
- She shall make an annual report (IN THE CLAVERITE) to the Supreme General Chapter, and shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed by law. She shall be compensated for her services.
Return to all Supreme General Chapter Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Captain, in the absence of the Supreme Navigator, shall serve as the presiding officer of the Supreme General Chapter, and as such shall perform all duties incumbent upon the office of Supreme Navigator.
- She shall in the event of illness, death, resignation, inability, neglect, suspension, or expulsion of the Supreme Navigator fill the office until such time as the successor of the office of Supreme Navigator has been elected.
- She shall be in complete charge of the Uniform Ranks of the Order of the Fourth Degree Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies of Grace.
- She will be responsible for inspecting the churches and/or areas of performance using established Protocol, being always aware of the availability of space.
- Whenever possible she will conduct workshops for all Faithful Captains at the Conclave.
Return to all Supreme General Chapter Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Comptroller shall keep a correct record of the Supreme General Chapters, issue calls for meetings, receive all applications, notify officers of election or appointment of committees, conduct all correspondence on matters pertaining to finance of the Supreme General Chapter.
- She shall purchase all duly authorized supplies for the use of the Supreme General Chapter and for resale to members of the Fourth Degree and shall have custody and/or monitor adequate inventory of the same. She shall be the custodian of the seal of the Supreme General Chapter and affix an impression of the same to all official documents which emanate from their office.
- She shall notify the Faithful Navigator of each Grand Chapter of the change of a password and communicate the new password to them quarterly in a sealed envelope, using the code. She shall furnish a temporary roll of the members on the day of the opening of the Supreme General Chapter Conclave, and shall turn over the same to the Credential/Registration Committee to prepare the Official Roll. She shall, when giving notices to Grand Chapters of the death of a Gracious Lady or Gracious Ladies, indicate the name of the member or members and the number of the charitable donations, and the name, number, and location of the Chapter of which the deceased was a member.
- In the event of the death of a Gracious Lady, she shall only issue warrants for donations from the Charity Fund upon receipt of an assessment book and certified death certificate from the responsible officer of a Grand Chapter of which the deceased was a member, or in lieu thereof, a statement from the Grand Chapter of which the deceased was a member attesting to said member's demise, and attested to by the signature of the Faithful Navigator and Faithful Comptroller and an impression of the seal of the Grand Chapter.
- She shall be bonded in an amount sufficient to cover the expense involved, and within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of any and all monies she shall forward the same to the National Office for deposit, and provide the Supreme Purser with a copy.
- The General Books of the Supreme Comptroller shall be audited before they are turned over to a newly elected Supreme Comptroller. The Supreme Comptroller shall bill the Grand Chapters quarterly for death assessments due the Supreme General Chapter.
- She shall make an annual report to the Supreme General Chapter and shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed by law. She shall receive as compensation for her services in the amount of three percent {3%) of all monies collected, excluding those designated as special projects and death assessments.
Return to all Supreme General Chapter Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Purser shall monitor the disbursements, upon warrants duly issued, of all funds of the Supreme General Chapter processed by the National Office.
- She; shall report all receipts and disbursements annually, or as requested, by the Supreme General Chapter. She shall prepare annually for publication a detailed and itemized account of all transactions.
- She shall furnish a surety bond in such amount as shall be determined by the Supreme General Chapter.
- She shall turn over or deliver to her successor, all monies, investments, books and/or other property in her possession belonging to the Fourth Degree Ladies of Grace Division.
- She shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed by the Supreme General Chapter or Board of Directors and shall receive due compensation for her services.
Return to all Supreme General Chapter Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Scribe shall keep a true and accurate record of all of the proceedings of the Supreme Chapter.
- She will take minutes of all regular and special meetings.
- She shall maintain a file of all outgoing and incoming correspondence.
- She shall conduct all correspondence of the Supreme General Chapter except on matters pertaining to finance.
- She shall keep a list of all Committees and their reports.
- She shall keep the official roll of the Supreme Officers.
- She shall perform such other duties as may be imposed by the Supreme Chapter or Board of Directors
- She shall receive due compensation for her services.
Return to all Supreme General Chapter Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Steward shall have custody of all property of the Supreme General Chapter except articles of regalia, supplies, financial books and records of officers, and shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed upon her by law.
Return to all Supreme General Chapter Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Pilot shall maintain decorum.
- She shall supervise the Supreme Inner and Outer Sentinels
- She shall ascertain and report to the Supreme Navigator that all present are entitled to participate in the Conclave.
- She shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed upon her by law.
Return to all Supreme General Chapter Officer Responsibilities
The Supreme Inner (1) and Outer (1) Sentinels shall attend and guard the inner and outer entrance of the meeting chamber respectively and
- They shall examine the account book of members who desire to enter the meeting chamber.
- They shall perform such other duties as may be reasonably imposed by law.
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